Fair Volunteers Needed
It is that time of year again, where we have many upcoming opportunities to meet and engage with the voters of Cabarrus County! As you know, our mission is to get Republicans elected and grow the party! We believe that the Republican platform and the principles of our party are the best way to ensure that Cabarrus County moves in the right direction for years to come. We are just a few weeks away from one of our biggest voter outreach opportunities of the year, The Cabarrus County Fair. We need your help to staff the CabGOP booth this year, with energetic and dedicated Republican volunteers! The Fair will be held from September 10th-18th with shifts at the booth lasting approximately two hours each. With tens of thousands of individuals coming to our fair each weekend, this will be a great opportunity to get our message to a wider audience. We would love for you to be an active part of helping us reach out to voters at this year's Fair.
Please sign up to help staff our booth with the link below https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0F4AAEAF2FA6FC1-2021
Our Vice Chairman, Jack Lambert, is coordinating our outreach efforts for this year's Fair. He can be reached at anytime via call, text or email at:
[email protected]
(704) 668-7601