There are many ways to support Republican candidates and conservative values in Cabarrus County. Find your place in a local independent Republican club.
Cabarrus County Republican Men Jim Quick, President 704-796-3882, [email protected]
The Cabarrus County Republican Men's Club is one of the fastest-growing political clubs in the county. Our organization is dedicated to giving the public access to local Republican elected officials and furthering the values of the Republican Party. The CCRMC holds monthly meetings at the Cabarrus GOP Headquarters on the fourth Thursday of every month, starting at 7 PM. Speakers include local and statewide elected officials, candidates, and other party leaders. We look forward to engaging with you!
Cabarrus Republican Women Jennifer Dunbar, President
The Cabarrus Republican Women educate their members on the political process and current issues, assist the GOP in electing qualified Republicans to office and promote Republican initiatives. Members also help individual candidates as campaign managers, fundraisers, and general volunteers. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Cabarrus County Young Republicans Britt McIntyre, President
The Young Republicans are important to the growth of the Republican Party. The YRs reach out to registered Republicans, ages 18 to 40, and provide them with better political knowledge and understanding of current issues. The Cabarrus Young Republicans are also active in the community through community service, door-knocking campaigns, and social events.
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Cabarrus County Teenage Republicans Jennifer Bost, Adult Sponsor
Our goal is to form a strong community of Cabarrus County Teenagers with Republican values and to EMPOWER and PREPARE these future leaders of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and the United States.
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These groups are independently organized and governed by the charters of their state and national parent organizations. Their activities and political positions are not endorsed by the Cabarrus County Republican party, the Republican Party of North Carolina or the Republican National Convention.