July 2021 Newsletter

Ladies and gentlemen, before my remarks on recent party business, I would first ask that you all pray for and help to support former Concord City Councilman and longtime Republican, Lamar Barrier. Lamar was recently diagnosed with incurable chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). Over his many decades of service to our community, he supported countless of its citizens. Now, I would ask that we all support him during his time of need by keeping him in our thoughts and by contributing to the cost of his outstanding medical expenses here: https://gofund.me/ccb63dd0

I’d like to thank all Cabarrus Republicans that participated in the NCGOP State Convention in Greenville. It was a truly great event and the NCGOP staff did an incredible job. I was honored to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the Saturday business session which saw the reelection of Chairman Whatley and the election of Susan Mills as vice-chair! Congratulations to both of them and we are looking forward to working together to make the GOP stronger.

One important highlight of this month was the CabGOP and Cabarrus YRs participation in the Juneteenth Parade held in Downtown Concord. The work of engaging our many diverse communities, being visible and building relationships that will translate into votes for the Republican Party is ongoing and vital.

I’d like to thank our Cabarrus County Young Republicans and our CabGOP Events Committee for putting on an amazing event with Congressman Hudson and Congressman Cawthorn! Not only was the event very well attended, we raised over $3000!

We have much more to do in preparation for the upcoming municipal and 2022 election cycle. Your Precinct Chairs will begin hosting events on election integrity, running for office, economic development and many more important topics in the coming weeks! Look out for emails and stay tuned to our social media channels! Thank you again for allowing me to serve as your Chairman and remember; we need your gifts of time, talent and treasure to keep Cabarrus red!

Executive Committee Meeting
There will be no meeting of the Cabarrus County Republican Party Executive Board in July. The next meeting of the Executive Board will be held on Tuesday, August 3rd at 6:30pm.

CABGOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord

Coffee with the Chairman
Saturday, July 10th, 8am-10:00am

Cabarrus GOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord

Come out and speak with Cabarrus County GOP Chairman Addul Ali for his monthly coffee with the Chairman.

The CabGOP is proud to partner with Back-the-Blue NC to host a drive-through community lunch on Tuesday July 27th from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM at Cabarrus GOP Headquarters, 96 McGill Ave NW, Concord. For a suggested donation of $10, you will receive two freshly grilled hotdogs, a pack of chips and a soda. All proceeds will go to support law enforcement locally and across the state. POLICE AND FIRST RESPONDERS EAT FREE.

Cabarrus County Young Republicans Club
The Cabarrus County Young Republicans club will host their monthly general membership meeting.

Wednesday, July 14th at 7pm
CABGOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord

Young Republicans on Facebook:
For further information contact club president, Jacob Abel 980-248-4719

Cabarrus County Republican Men's Club

Thursday, July 22nd at 7:00pm
Cabarrus GOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord NC
Speaker to be announced.

Republican Men's Club on Facebook:
For further information contact club president, Jim Quick at 704-796-3882

Cabarrus County Republican Women's Club
Friday, July 23th at 6:00pm
Location to be announced.
David Goetze will address the club on the issue of election integrity.

Republican Women's Club on Facebook:
For further information contact club president, Barbara Strang at 704-796-3771

Cabarrus County Teen Age Republicans
Please Contact the leadership of the Cabarrus County Teenage Republicans for more information on their upcoming events in July.

For further information contact advisor, Kristel Swayze 704-425-5398 or club president, Mary Swayze 980-621-9197

Online Donations
The Cabarrus County Republican Party is still accepting on-line donations. Even though the 2020 election cycle is finished, we have started the process to raise money for the 2021 municipal and 2022 election cycle to once again bring home a strong victory for the Republicans here in Cabarrus County.

Save the Dates
List of important dates for you to mark for the next few months.

July 10th - Coffee with the Chairman 8:00am
July 14th
- Young Republicans 7:00pm
July 22nd - Men's Club 7:00pm
June 23rd - Women's Club 6:00pm
July 27th - Hot Dogs for Heroes 10:00am
August 3rd – Executive Committee 6:30pm
August 5th – General Meeting 6:30pm
August 12th – Precinct Development Meeting
September 7th – Executive Committee 6:30pm
September 9th – General Meeting 6:30pm
October 5th – Executive Committee 6:30pm
October 7th – General Meeting 6:30pm
November 2nd - Election Day (Municipal)

Addul Ali
[email protected]

Jack Lambert
[email protected]

Parish Moffitt
[email protected]

Greg Mills
[email protected]

On the web: cabarrusgop.org