November 2021 Newsletter
Message From the Chairman:
First and most importantly, remember to vote tomorrow if you live in a municipality and haven’t already! Local elections matter the most and we need all of your help to get Republicans elected!
Municipal Election 2021 info and Voter Guide.
Fellow Cabarrus Republicans, October was a very productive month for our party. We partnered with Rowan and Stanly counties for a very informative US Senate candidates forum. We also had an incredibly successful municipal candidates forum at the newly opened Cabarrus Center in Downtown Concord, where we heard from many candidates for local office. Additionally, we Hosted a wonderful Coffee with the Chairman with State Representative Dr. Kristin Baker.
As we end the municipal election season and turn our eyes to 2022 we know that we will face tough challenges. Stacy Abrams hiring a Cabarrus resident to oversee her NC Operations, the effects of the Biden Administration and the continuation of COVID-19 will no doubt make this midterm election one for the ages. North Carolina is expecting to have the most expensive US Senate race in our nation's history! While some have already formally announced their candidacy for 2022 we expect more to file in December. The process of redistricting is ongoing and it appears from preliminary maps that we may still have state house districts split into Cabarrus. As information on these matters becomes available we will communicate it via all available channels.
On a more general note, these last few weeks have made it incredibly evident that the Biden administration is an abject failure. This administration's disastrous policies have already trickled down where the effects can be felt here at home. I can’t stress enough the need for you to financially support your county party as we believe we are the first line of defense in protecting our country from radical leftist by keeping our majority in the State House and Senate and helping to take back control of the US Congress. Please consider contributing to the party today with your gifts of time, talent and treasure in order to help us achieve our common goal of protecting and bettering our great country!
Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, November 30th at 6:30pm
CABGOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord
This is the monthly work session of the Executive Committee. Any registered Republican is welcome to attend as a guest.
Municipal Election Day
Tuesday, November 2nd 6:30am-7:30pm
Polling places around the county.
It is our goal to fully staff the top several highest voter turnout precincts in each municipality. Please SIGN UP BELOW to work a shift and hand out Cabarrus County Republican Party literature with the names of all our Republican candidates on it. This is an extremely important job, as no candidate will have their party affiliation listed on the ballot, this will be the only way that voters can identify who is a Republican.
You can sign up for a shift to work your local polling place below:
Signup will end at 6:00PM on 11/1
Our election results watch party will begin 30 minutes after polling places close Tuesday evening.
96 McGill Ave NW
Concord, NC 28025
Coffee with the Chairman
Saturday, November 20th at 9:00am
CABGOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord
The November Coffee with the Chairman special guests will be your Cabarrus County Board of Elections Representatives Jay White and David Black. Mr. White and Mr. Black will be discussing the local election process and steps they have taken to insure the integrity of the ballot in Cabarrus County.
Christmas for our Heroes
Thursday, December 2nd at 6pm
CABGOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord
In lieu of a formal Christmas dinner for the Holidays this year, the Cabarrus County Republican party wants to do something special for the men and women in our area who have served our great country. We will be partnering with local veterans help group, Operation Decisive Victory, to set up a gift card collection space at our office.
Please drop in and join us for complementary hot chocolate and drop off a gift card that will go directly to one of our local veterans in need of assistance. We will accept gift cards in any amounts to any of these major retailers: Walmart, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, Target, and other large retailers in the area that sell food and other basic essentials.
Lincoln Dinner
Saturday February 5th, 2022
Mark your calendars for our annual Lincoln dinner. We have a very special keynote speaker who will be announced in the coming months as well as a location for this event.
Cabarrus County Young Republicans Club
Wednesday, November 10th at 7pm
CABGOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord
A representative from Operation Decisive Victory, a local veterans help group, as well as Holly Grimsley, candidate for Cabarrus County Commissioner will be speaking
Young Republicans on Facebook:
For further information contact club president, Jacob Abel 980-248-4719
Cabarrus County Republican Men's Club
Thursday, November 18th at 7:00pm
CABGOP Headquarters
96 McGill Ave NW, Concord
Come out for the regular monthly meeting of the Men's Club. Dr, Oddy Christ, Ph.d will be the group's guest speaker.
Republican Men's Club on Facebook:
For further information contact club president, Jim Quick at 704-796-3882
Cabarrus County Republican Women's Club
The Cabarrus County Republican Women’s Club currently has no meeting scheduled for September.
Republican Women's Club on Facebook:
For further information contact club president, Barbara Strang at 704-796-3771
Cabarrus County Teen Age Republicans
The Cabarrus County Teenage Republicans currently have no scheduled meeting for September.
For further information contact advisor, Kristel Swayze 704-425-5398 or club president, Mary Swayze 980-621-9197
Online Donations
The Cabarrus County Republican Party is still accepting on-line donations. We have started the process to raise money for the 2022 election cycle to once again bring home a strong victory for the Republicans here in Cabarrus County.
Save the Dates
List of important dates for you to mark for the next few months.
November 2nd - Election Day (Municipal)
November 2nd - Election Results Watch Party
November 30th - Executive Committee
December 2nd - Christmas Drive-in
January 4th - Executive Committee
January 6th - General Meeting
February 1st - Executive Committee
February 5th - Lincoln Reagan Dinner